This is a very common topic queried by many parents. If you start well and get your child into good habits then you are likely to place your child in good stead as far as their oral health is concerned. When your child gets their first 1 or 2 teeth, start brushing them from the outset every night. Firstly it gets your child used to the process and the habit and secondly, it keeps their teeth clean.

People suggest using a soft cloth or a small soft toothbrush, I say whatever makes you comfortable. I personally have always used an electric toothbrush for my kids from day one with toothpaste and they have tolerated it very well. Many people seem to tell parents not to use toothpaste till around the ages of 3-6, depending on whom I have talked to. I disagree. If you get the correct children’s toothpaste for ages 0-6, you only need a tiny smear of it on the toothbrush head and off you go. As there is significantly less fluoride in this toothpaste and you are using only a small smear, your child is not at risk of excessive fluoride consumption. Clearly the less teeth, the smaller the smear. Your child does not have to rinse after.

Ensure that your child does not consume anything other than perhaps water after brushing their teeth before bed. Children need to have their teeth brushed by their parents till at least the age of 6 at night time. I am all for encouraging kids to try and brush by themselves in the morning, as this brushing is not as crucial as the night one. 

As far as diet goes, the rule of thumb that I use is this: the more times during the day that your child has any form of sugar in food or drink (that includes processed, natural and things like syrup and honey) the more likely they are to develop cavities in their teeth. It’s not quite this clear cut but if you restrict the frequency of sugar consumption then you are minimizing your child’s risk of decay. Drinks are worse in my view as children will generally drink more often than eat. Stay away from juices, cordials, smoothies, flavoured milk, etc. Also be ware of honey, many people forget that it is highly sugary, despite the fact that it is naturally made.

I hope that this is helpful towards setting your child up for a future with good oral health. If you have any other questions, come see us at MHP Dental. We look forward to welcome your soon!